
Protecting the environment and conserving resources

As a global logistics and transport company, DACHSER is well aware of its ecological responsibility. For this reason, active environmental protection receives special attention at every level of the company. More than anything, it is based on the efficient design of all process chains within procurement and distribution logistics. Here, a key role is played by our network freight services. Considered down to the last detail, coordinated processes are orientated toward the maximum bundling of goods flows in order to avoid unnecessary journeys.

Active environmental protection is a central concern for DACHSER

At DACHSER, numerous internal, resource conserving measures optimize the energy footprint at the various sites: All DACHSER buildings are equipped with lighting control systems for hallways and rooms. Since 2017, DACHSER warehouses have been lit with LEDs, which has led to a significant savings in kilowatt hours, a lowering of energy costs and a reduction in CO2 emissions. Proximity sensors regulate water use in sanitary facilities. Photo voltaic equipment which has already been installed at multiple branches also contribute to an improvement in our energy footprint. To heat office spaces, DACHSER uses geothermal energy.

The truck washing facilities work with water reclamation systems and use rain water. New types of docks and airtight sectional doors in the transit terminals prevent uncontrolled heat loss. For the future as well, the company will continue to develop and implement forward-looking ideas and technologies for active environmental protection. For material handling equipment, DACHSER relies on electrically driven units and the use of replaceable batteries. High-frequency charging devices optimize power usage and increase the lifespan of the batteries.

Recycling is particularly important for DACHSER – we employ exclusively reusable or recyclable transport packaging in order to reduce packing waste. As part of sustainable print production, all forms and labels have been printed on FSC certified paper since 2012. All printed material from DACHSER stems from ecologically, economically and socially responsible, sustainable forestry. Since the introduction of eLogistics, all logistics processes which are relevant for the customer can be ordered, displayed and executed paperlessly.

Hazardous goods warehouses comply with all environmental norms and safety standards in order to prevent environmental damage. The handling of dangerous and water-polluting materials has priority in order to limit the risk to humans and nature to as short a time period as possible. Every shipment is handled according to the strict quality standards for loading and cargo securing, defined by DACHSER.

Sustainable measures for a reduction in CO2 emissions

“Think more, manage less” is our motto. Due to the intelligent IT management of routes, CO2 emissions from transport have been significantly reduced. This systematic approach makes it possible to optimize the use of our fleet and reduce traffic flows, thus tangibly reducing environmental impact. Double deck loading and the use of swap body trailers for even more compact loading also contribute to active environmental protection.

DACHSER has also instigated additional measures for environmental protection:

Ecological fleet and active exhaust control

By regularly replacing vehicles, DACHSER’s fleet is always at the cutting edge of new technology – making for lower CO2 emissions. DACHSER relies on low-emission utility vehicles with alternative fuels, such as hybrids, natural gas and electrotechnology, analyses emission levels throughout the entire fleet and uses special tires to improve the ratio between mileage and fuel consumption.

Driver training

Ongoing driver training in safer, more fuel-efficient and proactive driving is another of the company’s ecologically oriented initiatives.

More energy-efficient vehicle use

Swap bodies, exchangeable trailers and through-loading systems, as well as increased insulation properties in food transports ensure the particularly energy-efficient deployment of vehicles.

Pallet exchange

The participation of DACHSER in an open exchange pool for reusable transportation packaging reduces CO2 emissions because the packaging material is employed multiple times.

Innovative technologies

In order to keep CO2 emissions as low as possible, the business division DACHSER Food Logistics exclusively uses deep-freeze capable vehicles with an insulating structure compliant with DIN 8959. The regular maintenance of the temperature sensors also ensures a closed cold chain during the entire transport, thereby also ensuring the quality of the food.

Endowed Professorship for Sustainable Logistics & Supply Chain Management

With the endowed professorship for Sustainable Logistics & Supply Chain Management at the European Business School, DACHSER is bringing a new impetus to the logistics industry. The intensive research into sustainability with a focus on logistics examines, among other things, how sustainability goals that can be measured and monitored can be created, or how logistical strategies can be intelligently and successfully implemented within the relevant processes.


Green IT

In 2010, DACHSER received the “GreenIT Best Practice AWARD 2010.” In order to reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions, the company relies on minimally equipped, and therefore energy efficient, network computers instead of PCs. The environmental protection measures include the sustainable use of resources through the innovative Computing Center, the meaningful recovery of waste heat to provide heat for the main building and low-paper communication. The optical archiving and digitization of nearly all delivery receipts via Penkey also contributes. Local, certified specialist firms handle the disposal of old IT equipment.

DACHSER Air & Sea Logistics

The preferential cooperation with carriers which actively seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ensures sustainable, environmentally friendly transport. Furthermore, DACHSER also motivates other companies to actively cooperate in the reduction of emissions. Optimal equipment and the maximum capacity utilization of transport units, the selective use of rail or barges for pre and onward-carriage and consolidated freight services (LCL) are additional measures undertaken to provide resource conserving deliveries.

Greenhouse gas footprint

DACHSER pursues the active management of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). To this end, the existing data structure from the internal transport management system is used, which makes significantly more detailed evaluations possible than would be using comparable external software. They make internal calculations at a customer or shipment level possible. The data assessed includes the distance in kilometers, the load weight, stops, truck type, load capacity and emissions class. In the buildings, the measurement of the GHG emissions is made via the intra-footprint per branch.

10 Sustainability Measures

Find here our measures for sustainability.
