
DACHSER Food Logistics – Complete solutions for the food industry across Europe

DACHSER Food Logistics, established in 1982 as an independent division, is now one of the leading food logistics companies in Europe. With its highly efficient logistics network for the food sector as well as a systematic industry focus, its professional handling of food, the transport and bar code supported execution of orders with comprehensive tracking and tracing, and last but not least, set procedures and contact people at every stage of the supply chain, DACHSER Food Logistics is a powerful and reliable partner for companies from the food and retail industries.

Excellent industry services for producers and retailers

Our clients include companies from the fields of meat and sausage products, dairy products, wine and spirits, confectionery, convenience, gourmet and processed foodstuffs, as well as retail. Recipients are generally retail companies, bulk consumers and catering organisations.

In order to support our clients in their competitive environments day-by-day, DACHSER relies on the continual improvement of the value added chain as well as innovative services. These include seamless shipment tracking at the package level in realtime via the shipmentcontrol tool, daily connections with fixed transit times and collaboration with proven partners. The skilled handling of food and the professional processing of incoming goods means that the delivery will be especially safe and customer-optimized. Through this cross-process, intelligent organization of transports, as well as goods consolidation, the sustainable allocation of resources and the standardized procedures, companies can tangibly improve their logistics balance sheet.

Transport and storage under one roof

  • A broad range of services: DACHSER Food Logistics offers temperature-controlled transport and storage of packaged food of every size as groupage, full or partial shipments.
  • No compromises when it comes to food safety: Temperature controls, coordinated for all goods and transports, with end-to-end temperature documentation, comprehensive load traceability at the package level and strict quality management (HACCP, certified as per DIN ISO 9001) ensure the safe transport of even the most sensitive food products.
  • Individual concepts: DACHSER Food Logistics develops tailor-made warehouse and transport solutions for and with companies of all sizes which optimally reflect the requirements and desires of the customers, and all under one roof.

DACHSER Food Logistics in detail

vivengo: Transparent services for procurement and distribution

The vivengo product family offers customers standardized logistics services which have been specially tailored to meet the needs of the food industry. Predictable transit times, precise planning of delivery times and cost structures which can be calculated in advance, as well as end-to-end transparency, provide the client with the security necessary to reliably move goods.

Transit time gains through logistics hubs and platforms

With the Frankfurt Food Logistics Eurohub, the company is unique among food logistics firms in maintaining a central European logistics hub. From this hub, the goods move directly to the DACHSER facilities and European partners. This allows for time savings of one whole day in 13 countries. For groupage consolidation and small shipments within Germany, the goods can be delivered within 24 hours. These transit time gains typically provide DACHSER customers with a clear competitive advantage. Clear, globally applied rules and processes in executing transport, as well as efficient processes, fast transit times and set route schedules, create the optimal conditions for the transport of particularly fragile and time-sensitive food products.

High IT standards and comprehensive networking for optimal efficiency

The efficient management of goods movements is made possible by the fully synchronized, IT-supported execution of all transport orders. The internal IT department consistently uses all standard interfaces and message formats which are typical for the food industry. Via our internal EDI center, all customer documents are read and quickly processed. At the same time, the center also connects all DACHSER branches and partner locations with one another. Thorough transparency and safety are ensured via the electronic data exchange using end-to-end, bar code supported processes, including reliable tracking and tracing. Customers automatically receive proactive information about the status of their shipment via ActiveReport. Through eLogistics, DACHSER customers are able to submit, process and track their transport orders particularly quickly.

High customer satisfaction thanks to excellently trained employees

Clients can rely on the safe transport and skilled handling of goods at every stage of the supply chain – as demonstrated by our low damage rates. In addition to proven standard processes and high-quality equipment, this is possible most of all thanks to our excellently trained employees with their extensive knowledge of food logistics. DACHSER employees at our branches advise their customers on the right sort of packaging as well. Truck drivers regularly received driver training and courses in the correct handling of food and transport safety.

Quality management and end-to-end temperature documentation

DACHSER Food Logistics’ quality management certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 complies with the legal requirements at national and European levels. The company possesses the IFS Logistics certificate as well as the organic certification (DE-Öko-003) as per FO (EC) NO. 834/2007. With end-to-end temperature documentation, hygiene management in accordance with HACCP and the seamless traceability of goods, there is a strict adherence to all the legal regulations relating to foodstuffs.

The main capabilities of DACHSER Food Logistics

Key competencies

Complete logistics solutions

DACHSER Food Logistics offers transport at all temperatures above freezing and for all shipment sizes

Europe-wide distribution and procurement

The transport of food and beverages under one roof via the DACHSER network with fixed partners within the European Food Network

DACHSER Cargoplus Food

Management of Full Truck Loads for the food industry in Europe, Turkey, the CIS, the Near and Middle East as well as the Arab countries


Excellent infrastructure and organization means that goods can be picked up on any work day and reliably delivered, providing predictable planning for dependable delivery, even during four-day weeks, at peak seasons and for promotional campaigns

Constant optimization of the logistics chain

Product range bundling and improvements to administrative and operational processes (e.g. electronic delivery notes) accelerate the goods flow and increase customers’ competitive edge

Seamless shipment tracking at the package level

Using EAN bar code scanning, the customer can look up the status of their shipment at any time via the internet