
For DACHSER, sustainability is a must

DACHSER is committed to sustainable corporate policies which this family-owned enterprise pursues with great commitment and consciousness of its responsibilities. As a central pillar of DACHSER’s corporate philosophy and value system, these policies provide orientation, identification and stability both within and without. The sustainable management of the company is anchored in DACHSER’s business strategy in many ways. Apart from its ecological aspect, it also has economic and social dimensions.

DACHSER pursues its goal promoting sustainability in the areas of:

Economics: With business models focused on growth and success, DACHSER ensures the future of both the company and the employees. Sustainability in corporate leadership means managing the strategic and operational business of the company in such a way as to guarantee its existence and further development over the long-term – for DACHSER as a family-owned enterprise, that goes without saying.

Ecology: Apart from the efficient organization of all process chains, as well as the intelligent IT control of routing in order to combine product streams and avoid unnecessary transports, DACHSER has initiated numerous projects designed to protect the environment. Furthermore, it promotes scientific research into sustainability with a focus on areas relevant to logistics.

Society: DACHSER takes its social responsibility seriously not only for its own employees, but is also active across national boundaries as a global company. DACHSER cooperates with the children’s aid agency terre des hommes and supports transnational aid projects. As part of DACHSER Career Management, employees receive the best possible support in developing themselves further, both professionally and personally. DACHSER Intelligent Care offers employees numerous company pension options and measures to maintain good health.


10 Sustainability Measures

Find here our measures for sustainability.
