
DACHSER carries its social responsibility across national boundaries

Those who act globally have a responsibility. Logistics in particular connects people, markets and production areas across national borders. For this reason, DACHSER feels obliged to improve the living conditions of people in underdeveloped regions in which the company is active. The company’s ethical philosophy is oriented towards strengthening societies and democracies, supporting people in developing their own self-confidence and providing them with support.

Projects with the children’s aid agency terre des hommes

For this reason, DACHSER supports numerous projects with the children’s aid agency terre des hommes. In conjunction with this organization, founded in 1960, DACHSER has supported projects to promote people’s self-sufficiency since 2005 in India, 2014 in Namibia and 2015 in Brazil as well as Nepal. The goal of this concept of “helping towards self-help” is to improve the living conditions and educational opportunities of disadvantaged people and to empower them to play a decisive and self-determined role in the future of their own countries. Together with terre des hommes, DACHSER can already point to numerous projects in India and other developing countries which have offered the people there professional opportunities, and thus also offering them and their families a better future.

As an international company, we believe we have a responsibility to look at globalization in a differentiated manner, maintain the identity of our roots, and assist disadvantaged people in creating something new in the sense of democratic societal forms.

Bernhard Simon, CEO of Dachser

Significant social commitment for the good of our employees

The sense of community within the global DACHSER family arises primarily from the significant social responsibility which the company feels for its employees. At DACHSER they receive the best possible training as well as ongoing and further educational opportunities – for example in commercial disciplines, IT and warehouse logistics. With DACHSER Career Management, every individual employee receives support in their own further development and in shaping their own career within the company. DACHSER ensures that entry-level employees have a successful start to their professional lives. After the training period, the chances of being accepted by the company for full employment are nearly 100%.

The company has implemented a number of health care and retirement measures for its employees through DACHSER Intelligent Care. They benefit not only from an exemplary company pension scheme and can make use of attractive offers for preventative health care, they can also take advantage of various offers for health-related areas of interest such as nutrition or sport. If requested, professional consultation is provided for psychological or family problems. Through the “MESSAGE!” initiative, DACHSER provides its trainees with information on preventative health care and addiction prevention.

Career and private life in harmony: As a modern company, DACHSER places great value on making sure that employees maintain a balance between their professional ambitions and a satisfying private life. That is why DACHSER supports a strong work-life balance and offers employees the opportunity to focus on their talents and interests, particularly in the decisive early years of their careers, while recognizing that it is precisely during these years that family life is also in the planning stages.

DACHSER supports science and research

DACHSER also actively supports educational facilities and initiatives beyond the limits of the company itself. Among other things, it supports the endowed professorship for “Sustainable Logistics & Supply Chain Management” at the European Business School (EBS) in Wiesbaden – a targeted investment in sustainability research with a focus on logistics. The results of scientific research projects regularly provide insights which lend new impetus to the logistics industry. Together with the professional magazine “Verkehrsrundschau”, DACHSER has been running knowledge competitions for logistics students, both domestically and abroad, since 2008.

How DACHSER lives its social responsibility

  • Appreciation of the needs of people at a local level: The DACHSER corporate culture is one based on tolerance, appreciation and respect for other people and cultures, and one which every employee shares as part of the DACHSER DNA.
  • Creating local structures: In conjunction with local people, DACHSER builds partnerships based on equality which both support local projects and simultaneously call for all involved to take personal responsibility.
  • Helping towards self-help: Active, experienced cooperation with terre des hommes

DACHSER and terre des hommes: Various aid projects

More background information and updates on our project work with terre des hommes in India, Brazil, South Africa and Nepal can be found on our microsite.