
The DACHSER Academy – Continuing Education of the highest quality

The DACHSER Academy is DACHSER’s own internal educational institution. The training courses offer a broad range of company-specific content derived directly from the corporate strategy.

Intelligent logistics, focused on the interests and needs of the customer, requires comprehensive expertise, the ability to find solutions and a team-oriented working style in all DACHSER employees. The DACHSER Academy consolidates and passes on logistics expertise based on individually-generated knowledge management methods. The central task of the DACHSER Academy is to develop and improve skills relevant to the employee’s field in order to support the further development of the strengths, creativity, innovative spirit and character of the individual.

Each year, over 4,000 DACHSER employees take advantage of further and continuing education courses. As well as passing on expertise from specific fields, the continuing education courses at the DACHSER Academy also include courses for social skills and methodology, personnel management and project management. Courses leading to certification and training courses for the internal DACHSER IT systems are an essential part of the range offered at the DACHSER Academy.

At the training center, logistics procedures and processes are taught

So that DACHSER employees are equipped to deal with the ever-increasing challenges inherent in their daily work, particular emphasis is placed on practical applications during further and continuing education courses. In teaching their respective content, the internal and external trainers take the procedures and requirements of daily work into consideration, as well as the need to empower participants to directly apply their newly acquired knowledge. The further and continuing education courses take place in training rooms and a logistics lab which are equipped to technical perfection. In their teaching, the trainers use the system landscape at DACHSER or use realistic, software-based training systems to expose participants to the practicalities of logistical processes and services.

eLearning tools support international teaching

Various eLearning tools make border-free teaching possible, irrespective of location, as well as the global exchange of experience between all DACHSER branches. For the employees, the so-called blended learning approach, which combines on-site instruction with eLearning elements, is particularly important. Through the innovative digital continuing education concept, DACHSER supports the personal and professional development of its employees around the world. In keeping with both the letter and spirit of the worldwide DACHSER philosophy, this also allows for valuable contacts across national borders to be created and maintained.

This makes the DACHSER Academy a global competence center for the industry:

  • Company-operated training center in Cologne: Here, all operational processes and systems are realistically simulated and taught as part of our “Logistics you can touch” – with access to real and training systems.
  • Global knowledge management: The DACHSER Academy deals with all logistics issues at a high level – scientifically grounded and with direct practical relevance.
  • Profound expertise: The teachers at the DACHSER Academy are a team of internal DACHSER specialists and external experts and trainers.
  • International transfer of knowledge: With the help of eLearning tools, course participants can pass their knowledge on to their colleagues, exchange experiences or learn together in international teams.