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Market Information Push AF 899

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Zatímco se politici snaží najít cestu z brexitové krize, datum odchodu Velké Británie se nezadržitelně blíží. A nyní je na společnostech, aby se důsledně připravily na všechny možné eventuality. Hlavním tématem je přitom: CLO.

Brexit: za pět minut dvanáct
Fresh food alliance for Europe

A reason to celebrate: for five years now, the European Food Network—under the system leadership of DACHSER—has been coming up with the right answers to the challenges posed by transnational, Europe-wide food logistics.


DACHSER Corporate

Market Information with PUSH-MAIL 1123

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NetzWert - der DACHSER Podcast

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Market Information with picture 1101

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NetzWert - der DACHSER Podcast


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Meta Test Market Information with picture 1088


DACHSER Magazine php test native language 1079
Press Release with picture and three sections php test 1082

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. 

News with test php infographic 1081

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

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Market Information Test AF

Stuttgart isn’t like other major cities. With its center in a valley basin, the elevation of Stuttgart’s urban area varies by up to 350 meters. At the same time, the capital of Baden-Württemberg has some of the heaviest traffic in Germany. That’s challenging for logistics, too.

DACHSER magazine 04/18

This explains why DACHSER launched its “zero-emissions delivery area” pilot project in Stuttgart. In the cover story of the latest DACHSER magazine, you’ll learn how DACHSER is using electric trucks and pedelecs today to shape the city deliveries of tomorrow.

The omnipresent megatrend of digitalization demands we have the courage to innovate and tackle the challenges of the future. In an interview, DACHSER CEO Bernhard Simon explains the changes that companies face—especially in logistics—as a result of digital transformation, and why people are still at the heart of things.

Day-to-day logistics at DACHSER are full of the joys of innovation and the constant search for even better solutions. In this issue, we report on the tailored logistics concepts that DACHSER has implemented for a children’s bike manufacturer in Germany and a wrapping paper manufacturer in Switzerland.

You can read these stories and much more in this issue. Pick up your personal copy at your branch office, or download the PDF here. We hope that you enjoy reading the new issue of DACHSER magazine.

Fresh food alliance for Europe

A reason to celebrate: for five years now, the European Food Network—under the system leadership of DACHSER—has been coming up with the right answers to the challenges posed by transnational, Europe-wide food logistics.

Press Release with picture and three sections php test 1082

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. 

Logistics out of the printer

3D printing is no longer sci-fi: metal parts for aircraft, for example, are already now no longer being welded together out of individual components – the entire subassemblies are already being printed out. Mass production appears to be just a matter of time. This is opening up a new world of business for certain branches of industry – but does this go for logistics as well?

Delivering fun on wheels

With vehicles for children of all ages, Puky makes sure kids are going places. To reach young riders and their parents all across Europe, the long-established manufacturer has been relying on DACHSER logistics for 10 years.

DACHSER focuses on lithium-ion technology

By 2022, logistics provider DACHSER plans to replace all of its roughly 6,000 ground conveyors in Europe with vehicles powered by energy-saving lithium-ion batteries.

Market Information Push AF 899

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Push!!

Increase in truck tolls in Germany from January 1, 2019

Following the expansion of truck tolls to include highways in July 2018, the German government has now decided to increase tolls for trucks of all classes, effective January 1, 2019.

The German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure published the basis for the increase in truck tolls as part of the infrastructure cost study 2018-2022. The study lays out how the toll rates for freeways and highways are to be aligned while taking into account external costs such as air and noise pollution caused by trucks. This leads to a considerable rise in toll rates, which means yet another significant cost hit for our short- and long-distance transports.

For this reason, your toll rates will change as of January 1, 2019. We will of course make the adjusted toll table available to you in advance.

Tolls will be refunded in full to carriers used by DACHSER according to vehicle type and distance covered. In this way, DACHSER is doing its part to support the continued competitiveness of independent carriers and also to secure transportation capacity in Germany.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Test Erscheinungszeitraum Glogger

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Stronger Air Freight Market causes early capacity bottlenecks

Due to the consistently strong air freight market and expected strong business in the current fall, we expect further capacity bottlenecks.

Whereas a heavy growing peak season for shipments from Asia to Europe (and vice-versa) is expected, capacities on the transatlantic route are already being heavily utilized.
For this reason, it is recommended that air freight shipments be booked as soon as possible, so that they can be dispatched as planned.

The experts at the DACHSER air freight organization have been working on various measures for the current fall peak season (for example, having DACHSER charter its own flights, shifting goods flows to smaller airports, and increasing standing capacities at strategic airline partners). These preparations make it possible for DACHSER to continue to fulfill our customers’ quality demands to their complete satisfaction, despite the expected growth.

Your local DACHSER team will be pleased to accept your shipment orders and can support you in planning your air freight shipments.
